

Mine Subsidence in Wyoming Valley

This is a stereograph showing a mine subsidence in the Wyoming Valley.  A stereograph is a set of two images, taken from slightly different angles, that creates depth, or a 3-D effect, when viewed through a stereoscope.  A mine subsidence occurs when a mine collapses and cause damage to the surrounding houses or buildings.


Old Smith Coal Opening

This stereograph shows Old Smith Coal Opening in Plymouth, Pennsylvania.  This image was taken by Schurch & Company around 1880.


Coal Opening

This stereograph shows a coal opening near Coal Street in Plymouth, Pennsylvania, around 1876.


Tandem Automatic Slate Picker

The stereograph shown here depicts a tandem automatic slate picker.  This piece of machinery replaced the work of the breaker boys, whose job it was to sort the usable coal from other minerals.


Ancient Mine

This stereograph shows an "ancient" mine in an unidentified location.


Outcropping of Coal

This is a stereograph that shows the outcropping of coal near Coal Street in Plymouth, Pennsylvania.  This location is near where coal was first shipped to market.
