Housing and Scenery


Row of Mine-Patch Houses

This photograph shows a row of mine-patch houses.  Mine-patch houses were homes that were built specifically for miners and their families.  What are some of the reasons why you think that this type of housing was provided for miners and their families?


Mine-Patch Housing in Plymouth

This photograph shows a row of mine-patch houses located in Plymouth, Pennsylvania.


Pole Swing at Oak Grove

This is a photograph of a pole swing located in Oak Grove.  It was erected in Plymouth, Pennsylvania, during the 1902 Coal Strike.  The poles were 28 feet long, and the swing could hold six adults.


Overview of Baltimore Mine Fire Stripping

The photograph shown here depicts an overview of the barren landscape on top of the Baltimore Coal Mines.  Strip mining, also known as surface mining, involves removing the top layer of soil and rock in order to mine the coal underneath.  What do you think are the environmental drawbacks to strip mining?


Fossilized Tree Trunks

This photograph shows the fossilized tree trunks that were found near the coal mines.

Housing and Scenery