The 1972 Hurricane Agnes Flood


The 1972 Hurricane Agnes Flood


Changing of the lanscape


In late June 1972, a tropical storm named Agnes crept its way up the eastern United States. When Agnes arrived in Northeastern Pennsylvania, it stopped moving and poured trillions of gallons of water onto the area. This caused major flooding along the Susquehanna River. Over 40 feet of water overtook the dike and sandbags that had been placed. Flooding in Wilkes-Barre and the surrounding area was catosrophic resulting in a new landscape in some areas. Houses were damaged or destroyed, a cemetery was torn apart and a hospital was evacuated.  These are just some of the examples of the flood devastation, which caused $2 trillion of damage.


Jeff Stanford

Collection Items

Walking on Car
A man walking on top of a car near the rear entrance to the Hospital. Clearly the person who parked the car did not see the sign.

Boat in Hospital
A rowboat is parked inside of the main entrance to the Hospital.

Flooded Entrance
The front of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Notice the water level at the door.

Boat Transportation
A view from the entrance of the Hospital. The main transportation vehicle while the flood waters were high was the boat. How long do you think it would take to paddle through your town if it was underwater?

Entrance Flooding
Water creeps up at the rear entrance of the Hospital.

Flooded Hospital
Three men stand in water in front of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital.

Resting Nurses
Two nurses resting. Because of the flooding at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, many patients and nurses moved to Misericordia College until the Hospital was repaired. Can you imagine the long hours these nurses worked?

Knocked-Over Tombstone
The powerful flood waters carved a new landscape in the cemetery.

Deep Crater
This is the deepest section of the crater caused by the floodwaters. Note the dike in the background.

Cemetery Destruction
A wide shot of the destruction in the Forty Fort Cemetery. Caskets and tombstones are strewn about.
View all 27 items


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